Meghan Tschanz


Meghan Tschanz is an author, podcaster, and speaker.

reclaiming feminism for Christianity


Fundamentalists Played the Long-Game, This is How We Fight Back.

Tia Levings, author of A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape From Christian Patriarchy, talks to us about fundamentalists played the long-game to build the government we have now– and more importantly a hopeful message on how to fight…

A Lenten Look into the Radical Life of Mary Magdalene

  Chelsea Kim Long talks to us about the radical role Mary Magdalene played for Christ during Holy Week. Check out this episode!

How to Make the Right Decisions in Difficult Times

Just about every day, there is something new and urgent that needs my attention in this administration; it is easy to feel overwhelmed and apathetic. That’s why this conversation with Dr. Angela Gorrell is more…


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